S3 Volley

S3 touches a thousand schools and a thousand clubs

S3 is a school project by the Italian VolleyBall Federation, in collaboration with Kinder+Sport and special advisor Andrea "Lucky" Luchetta, a former world champion. S3 promotes 3x3 volley starting from primary/secondary school and makes the sport highly engaging, extremely simple and a lot of fun.

Young players make a charted progress that is both technical and educational, and the game is suited to every different age range. The central idea is to focus all the energy and attention on key values such as sport, team-building and health, integrated with skills and communication. Educational activities are conducted both independently (by the teachers of the schools that joined the project) and with instructors from the Federation or the regional volleyball schools. The first experimental stage of the project has involved 1,039 schools, which received S3 educational and sports kits. One thousand clubs have given their support in teaching the sport both in primary and secondary schools.