4th ISF World Schools Championship Triathlon 2019
At the beginning of June in Castelnaudary (France), 102 young athletes coming from 14 delegations met to pull the trigger on the 4th ISF Triathlon World School Championship. 5 days of joy, fair play and sport for an event that have seen swimming, running and cycling triathletes coming from United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Belarus, Brazil, Chile, China, Chinese Taipei, Estonia, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Hong Kong, Spain and Ukraine .
The schedule of the 5 days has been as always eventful and with no possibility of getting bored, thanks to many appointments and activities besides sport competitions. During these moments athletes have had the possibility to make new friends and knowing different cultures by knowing each others like at the Nations night and during the Cultural day, discovering the host city of Castelnaudary and the architectural beauties of the city of Carcassonne.
Kinder+Sport was supporting the event by spreading its joy of moving and fair play spirit, awarding the Andorra delegation with the special Fair Play Trophy.
The 4th ISF World School Championship Triathlon 2019 showed the shared commitment of ISF and Kinder Joy of moving in sharing common vision and values such as mutual understanding, non-discrimination, social inclusion, gender equality and healthy lifestyle, encouraging education through sport and spreading the Joy of moving around the world.