Ferrero offers training to educators in Poços de Caldas, Brazil
In partnership with the local government, the company started the 2022 edition to expand the Joy of moving program, with the main goal to encourage physical activities among children.
On April 26th, the city of Poços de Caldas, in Minas Gerais, Brazil, hosted the 5th Edition of the Kinder Joy of moving Educators' Training Program, an initiative that aims to stimulate the joy and pleasure of practicing sports and physical activities among the children.
Led by Ferrero, the program started in 2018 and has already trained more than 800 education professionals from the municipal and state networks of Minas Gerais, contributing to bring physical activities to more than 9,000 children and adolescents in the municipality and to another 18,000 young people in the state. In 2022, 1,200 new teachers from 900 state schools will be invited to join the action, which can impact up to 30,000 children.
Throughout the day, the training was given in person at the Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas Gerais by professors Ana Barela and José Barela, responsible for preparing educators to apply the methodology created by the Foro Itálico University, in Rome, in partnership with Ferrero, in schools. Mayor Sérgio Azevedo and Deputy Mayor, Júlio César de Freitas, in addition to the Municipal Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Education, Maria Helena Braga and Débora Brianezzi, the Secretary of Sport and Leisure, Fernando Henrique dos Santos, the mayor, Marcelo Heitor, the municipal secretary of government, Paulo Ney de Castro Júnior, among other local authorities were also part of the event.
Altogether, more than 250 education professionals gathered at this last meeting held in Poços de Caldas, where the company has its factory. The program Kinder Joy of moving arrived in Brazil in 2018, in a partnership with the city of Poços de Caldas (MG). In 2022, the Joy of moving methodology will be implemented in 96 municipalities in Minas Gerais, reaching approximately 350 state schools, through the training of elementary school educators, which serve children from 6 to 12 years old.