Sharing the Joy of moving at the Embassy of Italy in Australia
Ferrero Australia shared the Kinder Joy of moving program at the Embassy of Italy’s ‘Week of Extraordinary Taste’ celebrations in Canberra.
Derek Lath, Institutional Affairs Director at Ferrero Australia presented a Joy of moving update as part of the ‘Wellness all’Italiana’ event which highlighted the importance of a healthy lifestyle that combines physical activity and balanced diet.
Francesca Tardioli, Italian Ambassador to Australia said of the event, “With its focus on the new generations, the Joy of moving program perfectly fits such philosophy of life, representing an outstanding, positive example of the commitment to social responsibility of one of largest and most famous Italian enterprises”.
The global Kinder Joy of moving program was introduced to Australia in 2017 through a four-year partnership with Deakin University.
Professor Nicole Rinehart, Clinical Psychologist and Director Deakin Child Study Centre spoke about the Deakin Child Study Centre and its focus on transforming the lives of all children to help them reach their full potential.
“We know that mental health and physical health are inextricably linked, developing tools that can involve both activity and emotional wellbeing in the classroom, could have important lifelong implications for young people,” she said.
Globally, the Kinder Joy of moving program has reached over 4.6 million children across 36 countries. For more information: