Master Kinder+Sport Tennis Trophy 2017
The International Tennis Trophy has begun in Rome’s famous Foro Italico. The event is promoted in collaboration with eight national Tennis Federations (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Malta, Principality of Monaco and Hungary) and the Ramat Hasharon Tennis Club in Israel. It represents the final step of the first international edition of a unique and exciting tournament: from August 21st to 30th, more than 1,300 young people are challenging each other on the most famous international tennis courts.
The girls and boys, aged nine to sixteen, have been chosen through a series of national tournaments in nine different countries: a long and thrilling selection, which will be joined by foreign players starting from August 25th. The welcome ceremony for the event has taken place on that day. The young sports fans are challenging each other with a great drive to win, but, most importantly, with total fair play: there are no umpires in this tournament. After each game, the participants can meet, party and have fun at the Kinder+Sport Village. Because movement means enjoyment. Friendship. Positivity. We love the Joy of moving!
Find the complete tournament calendar and much more on the official website www.tennistrophy.com and keep on following the Kinder+Sport Facebook page to discover more about the event!