In Romania, Joy of moving splits in three
4 regions, 12 cities, 200 schools and almost 100 thousand children: these are the key numbers of the activities held in 2019 in Romania, aiming to make physical activities fun for children, while teaching them the core values of sports: friendship, resilience, teamwork, fair play and leadership.
Developed in partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Education the local program consists in 3 stages: Kinder Joy of moving Caravan, Week and Camp, with the aim of offering a new perspective on sports activities.
Kinder Joy of moving Caravan consists in a roadshow in schools, with demonstrative lessons for teachers and active games for children aged 6 to 10, with a dedicated playbook to be completed while playing.
Kinder Joy of moving Week represents the implementation of the method on schools: a full week of activities and games during classes, to make kids experience sports and movement having fun.
Kinder Joy of moving Cup is dedicated to children aged 10 to 14 and aims to involve them in challenges to work in teams to complete sport trials in basketballs, athletics and handball, replacing standard competitions with interactive team games to avoid any extra competitive behavior, outside of fair play. The finalists of the Kinder+Sport Cup will have the opportunity to attend a sports camp at the Romanian Olympic Center in Izvorani, in June 2020.