ISF Tennis World Schools Championship in Brazil
Just a few months after the Summer Olympics 2016 held in Rio, Kinder+Sport supported the first Tennis World Schools Championship ever held in Brazil. The event was organised between March 12th and March 19th in the Squash Tênis Centre and the Recife Tênis Centre in Northern Brazil.
After the February’s major tennis events - Rio Open 2017 and Brazil Open 2017 in São Paulo, school athletes are ready to follow the footsteps of the world’s best athletes.More than 300 young tennis players from 13 countries competed in 330 matches that saw Turkey emerge as an absolute winner in both the boys’ and girls categories, ahead of Scotland and England (2nd and 3rd in the Boys teams) and Germany with England in the Girls category.
The venue was organised by CBDE and ISF, with a full and exciting agenda, starting with the opening ceremony, a cultural day (city tour), a closing event and an important moment during which the best attitude and fair play was rewarded to Chile team with the Joy of moving for Fair Play whose award is designed by Kinder+Sport.
Discover more on the official channels of the event: