Kinder Joy of moving in ROMANIA
Kinder Joy of moving program in Romania focuses on promoting enjoyable, fun and non-competitive sporting experiences for children. Our aim is to reach a larger number of children each year that discover the joy of moving, team spirit, active lifestyle and register major developments in life skills. The program is held in partnership with the Romanian Ministry of Education and has seen a constant evolution from 2017 until now.
2017–2018 187 schools – 140 000 children
The program focused on reaching a large number of children from Romania, between the ages of 6 to 14, by presenting the Joy of Moving Method to their school PE teachers.
- Kinder Joy of Moving WEEK
- Kinder Joy of Moving CUP
2018–2019 198 schools – 147 000 children
The program has reached schools from new regions in Romania where it wasn't implemented in past years. As a plus, the final stage of competitions for children between ages 10 and 14 was organized as a sports camp with physical tests, trainings, movie screenings and more.
- Kinder JOM WEEK
- Kinder Joy of Moving CUP
- Kinder Joy of Moving CAMP
2019 – 2020 212 schools – 154 000 children
A new focus has been made on activities for children with ages between 6 and 10 years old, in order to promote the Joy of Moving spirit to younger children in schools.
- Kinder Joy of Moving CARAVAN
- Kinder Joy of Moving WEEK
2020 – 2021 160 schools – 112 000 children
In order to continue activities during the Covid pandemic, the program has turned towards PE teachers with a series of sports and sanitary materials that can help them hold classes with large groups of children, but with minimum contact between them.
- Kinder Joy of Moving WEBINAR
- Kinder Joy of Moving WEEK
2021 – 2022 160 schools – 27 000 children
The program has shifted entirely towards promoting the Joy of Moving Method sonly to young children with ages between 6 and 10 years old. Also, a new focus has been added of reaching children and schools from rural areas with sports & sanitary materials. The Joy of Moving Method has been presented to all PE teachers involved in the program through a live webinar, presentations and video examples of games developed and based on the method.
- Kinder Joy of Moving WEBINAR
- Kinder Joy of Moving WEEK
2022 - 2023
The vision is to train the PE teachers that come in contact with the Joy of Moving method and setup a future system where the games can be experienced by all young school children in Romania. Schools from rural area will continue to be a focus in coming years.