The Joy of moving project arrives in mexican schools
Kinder Joy of moving is a Ferrero Group international social responsibility project.
The project currently involves 2,6 million children in 28 countries around the world, getting children and families exercising in an engaging, joyful way. The basis for the project is our firm belief that a positive attitude towards movement and sport will make the children of today better adults tomorrow.
The project’s initiatives are inspired by Joy of moving, an innovative educational method that is scientifically proven to stimulate not only motor skills but also cognitive, emotional and relationship development skills in children through play. Devised by Caterina Pesce, associate professor of Sports Science in the Department of Movement, Human and Health Sciences at the University of Rome “Foro Italico”, the method was tested between 2012 and 2015 in Alba’s nurseries and primary schools. The tests were conducted on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Rome “Foro Italico”, CONI Piedmont, MIUR Piedmont and Soremartec, the research and development branch of the Ferrero Group.
Today, Joy of moving is an accepted methodology available to all teachers in Italy, and one of the Ministry accredited educational tools for Italian nurseries and primary schools.
It has been internationally recognised for several years, adopted in schools in many countries including Saudi Arabia, Brazil and the United Kingdom.
Via a key initiative that trained over 600 teachers in the application of the methodology, Joy of moving is now arriving in schools in the Guanajuato region of Mexico, where it will have a positive impact on more than 50,000 children over the next four years. Alongside training for school staff, the agreement between Ferrero and local institutions also includes the donation of necessary equipment for sports activities.
The project launched in Alba, where a Mexican delegation made up of Guanajuato government representatives and teachers met with Ferrero management, regional President Alberto Cirio, Alba Mayor Carlo Bo and Caterina Pesce, professor and creator the Joy of moving methodology, for a symbolic passing of the baton.